Bryan Cantrill - "A Solaris váratlan halála és örök élete"

2017. szeptember 5. 8:56,

Bryan Cantrill - egykori Sun Microsystems, majd Oracle alkalmazott, a DTrace fő fejlesztője, aki egyébként dolgozott a Solaris-on és a QNX-en is, jelenleg pedig a container technológiában utazó Joyent műszaki igazgatója, blogján a kialakult Oracle-Solaris helyzetről írta le gondolatait: Idézet: As had been rumored for a while, Oracle effectively killed Solaris on Friday. When I first saw this, I had assumed that this was merely a deep cut, but in talking to Solaris engineers still at Oracle, it is clearly much more than that. It is a cut so deep as to be fatal: the core Solaris engineering organization lost on the order of 90% of its people, including essentially all management. Of note, among the engineers I have spoken with, I heard two things repeatedly: “this is the end” and (from those who managed to survive Friday) “I wish I had been laid off.” Gone is any of the optimism (however tepid) that I have heard over the years — and embarrassed apologies for Oracle’s behavior have been replaced with dismay about the clumsiness, ineptitude and callousness with which this final cut was handled. A teljes blogbejegyzés itt olvasható.

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