24 évvel a kiadása után sikerült a Doom 2 utolsó titkos területét is elérni cheat nélkül

2018. szeptember 1. 19:36, hup.hu

Secret explained: A secret teleporter is marked as a discoverable "secret", but when you touch it, you never enter the sector. So you would never get inside the teleporter sector to trigger the secret. The only way to trigger this secret is to be pushed by an enemy into it! #doom — (@romero) August 31, 2018 A teljesítményhez maga a pályatervező, John Romero gratulált. Technikai leírás: Description: A true UV-Max demo of map 15! Skip to 3:00 to see the trick, I wouldn't recommend watching the rest as it's slow and mostly just for the purpose of showing 100% kills,items and secrets on the intermission screen. While the secret location has always been known, it has been considered impossible to trigger it and thus get 100% secrets in the intermission screen, from the doomwiki ( https://doomwiki.org/wiki/MAP15:_Indu...) ): "Bugs: It is impossible to register secret #4, as the secret sector in question (sector 147) is located adjacent to the raised teleport pad and is only 16 units wide. This setup completely prevents the player from touching this sector's floor (as is required to trigger a secret), because upon crossing the sector's boundary they are immediately raised onto the pad and teleport away. Therefore, the maximum SECRETS percentage one can get on this map is 90%. " In other words, a secret can only be triggered if doomguys center is within the secret area and if he is on the same height as the secret sector. The second being impossible because doomguy is always lifted up to the teleporter floor height when his center is either exactly on or over the secret sector. It has been possible to trigger it by using idclip, but this is the first demo to show this secret being triggered and hence no use of any cheats (idclip does not work in demos). This trick has something to do with the moving door and the pain elemental spawning a lost soul on top of you. This forces you down to the lowest floor the moving door is on, which puts you within the secret sector and on the same height, thus triggering the secret. Bascially this means that it is now possible to get 100% secrets on all levels for Doom 2, without the use of cheats.

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