A VMware ígéretet tett arra, hogy eltávolítja a vmklinux-ot a vSphere-ből, Christoph Hellwig úgy döntött, nem fellebbez újra

2019. április 4. 9:15, hup.hu

VMware Announces Plans to Remove Non-complying Code, Hellwig Decides Not to Appeal - https://t.co/0xv2kT4Wsl — HUP (@huphu) April 4, 2019 Az előzmények itt és itt és itt. Több évnyi pereskedés után az ügy lezárulni látszik. A VMware közölte, hogy eltávolítja a kifogásolt vmkernel kódokat a vSphere-ből (valamelyik közeli major verzióban), Christoph Hellwig pedig úgy döntött, hogy nem fordul újra bírósághoz ez ügyben. The Hamburg Higher Regional Court affirmed the lower court's decision, which dismissed the case on purely procedural grounds; they did not address the main question of the case. (The February 28th decision can be found here.) Hellwig has decided with his legal counsel, Till Jaeger, and after conferring with Conservancy, to not appeal the case further in German courts. [...] VMware, in their news item about the decision by the Court, announced that they will finally remove vmklinux from vSphere. Both Hellwig and Conservancy had asked VMware to remove the Linux code from VMware's proprietary kernel many times. While the preferred form of GPL compliance is release of the entire work under the terms of the GPL, a common alternative is to merely remove the GPL'd code from the product. VMware chose the latter method to comply. Részletek itt.

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